Who the F cares about a laptop from when I was around 19 and was... using Vista.
Ummmmm, how do I say this without "them" coming after me. Some.... Coins are likely on this laptop. Potentially 5-8 BT
To hell with it, I will out and say it.. If my memory serves me correctly, 5-8 BTC. (£200,000 / £320,000).
It's not a certainty, more like a 50/50 as theres 2 drives these 5-8 coins could be on, however several things point to this being it, but no need to go into that. Many, MANY people call complete BS on this story but to be honest, I don't really care, there is actually a very logical explanation as to why they were there/ Why I forgot about them/ and why I haven't jumped at the opportunity as of yet... Which I will most gracefully answer.
1)I was a dumb kid, I say kid now because I'm a fair fair fair bit older, but also was a rather well off kid, (My own doing, not mamas and papas money) and due to domestic abuse at home, several laptops were broken. At this time, The 5-8 coins were worth on the order of mid £200, to MAX maybe £500. However I had major major success entrepenurially and this money wasn't deemed like "I HAVE TO HAVE IT NOW". So I hid the (2) drives away, having elimited all the other drives from laptops that broke while being beaten by my older brother.
2) Why I forgot about them... Well, I didn't really. Nor has the money enraptured me in any meaningful way. I would love to purchase my parents the home I grew up in, and yes I will keep some, but by no, NO means to majority of it. I would start a business, ontop of already pledging a certain amount to all family members accept for my brother (Which he will receive, but not all at once, as he is very very mentally unwell)
3) Why I havent jumped at the oppertunity. Well, this is the toughest to answer, because I don't think I know the answer, maybe fear that I'm wrong, or something, because everyone BUT me cares a lot about this money, I wouldnt want to kms as many others might. (As I mentioned earlier there are 2 drives, only one boots right now, but evertything on the login screen does enforce the idea that it could be the extremely valuable HDD.)
It boots. I just don't know the effing password, hashcat would crack it in comically short about of times(IF hashcat can run on windows login, which is why I'm here), as every password I remember from this time, and even for a while after it im embarressed to say, was just a word, maybe a number thrown in for MAX SECURITY!

I honestly don't care if my next statement is not to be believed;
(By the way this has been my mentality ever since beginning planning)
ANYONE who I can point to and say YOU helped me, regardless of if its small or large, I will pay you. Simply because I dont WANT this money that much, I would love to say thank you to anyone who took time out their day to help someone.
Sssure, I know people are thinking "Yeah right", but I do mean it, hand to god - And if you don't believe me, tech forums are for tech help, so if I'm helped by a non believer... Well. A surprise will be in order.
Hashcat, I will make a generous donation to your organisation, also. I almost want you to not believe this, I know you would help regardless, so whether or not I'm telling the truth, is kind of irrelevant in the face of knowing I am telling the truth.

Insane amount of money on a working HDD, just cant get past windows login. What do? As said. If hashcat is the thing to get me in, I will donate heavily to the site, and some members who replied with the most useful answers.
God speed, Hashcat & co
