hashcat.launcher is available! (an alternative to hashcatGUI)
step 3 is for advanced options and not required
step 4 is for setting the output files (where the recovered hashes will be saved to)
step 5 is to actually create the task

hashcat.launcher is designed to launch multiple tasks and control them, and not for just one task.
the task config will be reset every time a task is created unless you check the option "Preserve task config" on step 5
also when you close the app and launch it again, the task config will be reset, but you can import config using the import button in step 1 (it's at the top), but first you need to export the task config you want to import next time

if you need to attack any file/hash, just follow the 5 steps, and finally click on create task on the latest step.
then go to tasks (from sidebar) and you will see your task there (either Idle, Queued, In Progress or Finished) once finished and if the hash got recovered it will be found on the file you set on step 4.

Messages In This Thread
RE: hashcat.launcher is available! (an alternative to hashcatGUI) - by s77rt - 12-24-2021, 01:57 PM