Maskprocessor file size
Hello. I searched a lot but I didn't find a way to calculate an approximate wordlist file size created with maskprocessor. I create a wordlist with this command, "mp64.exe -1 ?l?d?u!@#$%^&* ?u?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 -r 2", and it doesn't even show me the result of "--combinations" (not compatible with -r option), let alone inform me about the file size.
Is there any way to know the file size, like crunch?
If not, can that be added any time in the future?
Thanx a lot to all the commmunity.
just curious, but is there any reason to waste disk space with such "dictionaries"?
You are very right with your question. I begun by piping this mask to oclhashcat, but this way I had no time estimation-feedback... So, I decided to built a part of the wordlist and feed that to oclhashcat, to see an approximate completion time. So, for a 40GB wordlist I have an estimation of 15 hrs. The whole point was to find out the time required for this specific mask attack, and the only way I could find or think of was this. Make a wordlist, feed it to oclhashcat, and see the time estimation...
how about: count the generated words and divide it by the cracking speed?
The generated words (the 40 GB) are not all the possible combinations for this mask attack. I aborted maskprocessor exactly because it was filling the gigabytes like hell... That is why I asked the first question. If I knew how many Gb it would produce, I would let it finish. But because I don't, I stopped it. So, I can't find the time required with your suggestion (or am I wrong? My head is a little mixed up right now with all the numbers and the calculations...). The only solution I can think of, is to let maskprocessor continue the wordlist, and watch the size on the fly. Though, I suppose that I don't have enough space...
Thanx for the reply undeath. If you can thing of anything else, I would gladly hear it.
maskprocessor is typically used to provide hashcat's mask capabilities to other programs which do not have it, like john the ripper. using it to "make wordlists" is usually never a good idea, unless you know what you are doing and have a really specific goal in mind.

maskprocessor and statsprocessor are built into oclHashcat, so there's almost never a good reason to pipe these programs into oclHashcat. this is especially true for fast algorithms, where you will not be able to gain any gpu acceleration using stdin.
I used maskprocessor because I can't create the same mask in oclhashcat. I am referring to the " -r, --occurrence-max=NUM Maximum number of occurrence of a character" option available in maskprocessor. Is there a way to do this directly in oclhashcat? Excuse me if that's a noob's question...
Thanx for the answer epixoip.
I don't know why you wouldn't be able to count the words and divide them by the cracking speed. ./mp64.bin | wc -l
(06-01-2014, 08:47 PM)undeath Wrote: I don't know why you wouldn't be able to count the words and divide them by the cracking speed. ./mp64.bin | wc -l

I can't understand you my friend, maybe because I am not that advanced. How can I count the lines since I don't have all the possible lines generated? Unless I can pipe the whole command ("mp64.exe -1 ?l?d?u!@#$%^&* ?u?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 -r 2") to wc. Can that be done?