Maybe I should use maskprocessor and it's forum, but I use file with masks. My problem is:
Let's say I know a letter of password, but I do not know position, so I create masks like:
How to avoid double-checking of some combinations?
If password is ZZA, I must wait for the 3rd mask, which means that I check several times combination AAA. Is there a way to exclude duplicates? Or maybe it is done automatically?
Maybe I should use maskprocessor and it's forum, but I use file with masks. My problem is:
Let's say I know a letter of password, but I do not know position, so I create masks like:
How to avoid double-checking of some combinations?
If password is ZZA, I must wait for the 3rd mask, which means that I check several times combination AAA. Is there a way to exclude duplicates? Or maybe it is done automatically?