create a password rule with a special character at the end of password
Hello to everyone
I use hashcat actively with masks. i have a password with  special characters 

how can i add these special characters to Thorx password? 
Thorx?s?s?s?s?s?s?s  this Mask use standard special characters like : !'^+:_-*!'?  
But I need to try this  characters   áíóú©ñÑæÆðÐøصßþ¢Þ§¼½¾¥¶¿âêîôû 

can you help me about this?

thanks.Best regards
Convert your text to hex and use ?b --hex-charset or also convert your charset to hex. Note if your hash is NTLM then it might not work, search forum for that (something to do with utf8 and utf16le).
(05-24-2023, 05:16 PM)b8vr Wrote: One way to do it:

-1 áíóú©ñÑæÆðÐøصßþ¢Þ§¼½¾¥¶¿âêîôû Thorx?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

if you only need those specific characters.

I try this but Not working there is a error message
(05-24-2023, 07:06 PM)aikiuslik Wrote: Convert your text to hex and use ?b --hex-charset or also convert your charset to hex. Note if your hash is NTLM then it might not work, search forum for that (something to do with utf8 and utf16le).

hello. I tried what you said but failed. I'm using Linux. Can you explain the exact codes I need to write. I tried everything but it didn't work

When I do what you say, hashcat adds hex to the end of the Thorx password, lots of numbers and letters.
I request you to give full explanation.
Kind regards