Please help: 2 of the 4 290X are way too slow when performing dictionary attack

unless you're using stdin mode, everything is transferred to the device upon execution. the x1 slot will only cause minor delays in host-device transfers. there are dozens of users who run gpus on 1x slots without issue.

don't take this personally, but attempting to help someone troubleshoot when you don't understand how the program works ultimately results the blind leading the blind. it's not incredibly constructive, especially when there are already devs and mods on the thread who do know how the program operates. all it does is convolutes the thread. it would be better if you spent some time hanging out and learning and familiarizing yourself with the program before attempting to assist others.


do you have crossfire enabled? if so, that would explain why overdrive can only see one gpu.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Please help: 2 of the 4 290X are way too slow when performing dictionary attack - by epixoip - 07-24-2014, 10:00 AM