truecrypt with unknown algorithm
There isn't an option to try all methods, because -- by design -- it is difficult to confirm which algorithms were used (other than by successfully mounting it or cracking it).

The best you'll be able to do is to try a given attack (a given wordlist, etc.) for each combination:

for tens in 1 2 3 4; do
   for ones in 1 2 3; do
       echo "Trying ${MYMODE}"
       hashcat -m ${MYMODE} [... options ...]

Messages In This Thread
truecrypt with unknown algorithm - by cert - 06-06-2017, 02:37 PM
RE: truecrypt with unknown algorithm - by royce - 06-06-2017, 02:43 PM
RE: truecrypt with unknown algorithm - by atom - 06-07-2017, 11:21 AM