Cracking foreign words/characters
Should be said i am new to this so maybe i have missed something obvious, anyway;

Root problem:
Need to be able to crack hashes in Swedish.

What have been done:

Hash Crack Password Cracking Manual (book)

What have been tested among many other things:
created hash.txt with MD5 hashes of word "test" and the Swedish chars å, ä, ö, along with few common words that makes use of these letters, like elk -> "älg", moon -> "måne" and so on.

hashcat64.exe --potfile-disable -m 0 -o ../hashes/md5test/output.txt ../hashes/md5test/hash.txt -a 3 -1 ?l?uåäöÅÄÖéÉ ?1?1?1?1 --increment -O (didn't solve anything at all, 0 cracked hashes)

hashcat64 --potfile-disable -m 0 -a 3 ../hashes/md5test/hash.txt --hex-charset -1 c3 -2 a0a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9aaabacadaeafb0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9babbbcbdbebf -i ?1?2?1?2?1?2?1?2 --outfile-autohex-disable --outfile ../hashes/md5test/output.txt (did only solve the single letters of å,ä,ö as expected)

hashcat64.exe --potfile-disable -m 0 -o ../hashes/md5test/output.txt ../hashes/md5test/hash.txt -a 3 -1 charsets/standard/Swedish/se-SE_cp1252.hcchr ?1?1?1?1 --increment -O
created a cp1252.hcchr file to include €ÉéÅåÄäÖö but gave me 0 results

hashcat64.exe --potfile-disable -m 0 -o ../hashes/md5test/output.txt ../hashes/md5test/hash.txt -a 3 -1 ?l?u -2 charsets/standard/Swedish/se-SE_cp1252.hcchr -3 ?1?2 ?3?3?3?3 --increment -O
(This one only found the test password and none of my å,ä,ö)

Problem arise from here...
All guides and references use only the characters in the hex-charset but (in my current world) I cant combine the first part of the ascii tables (00 20-7e) with my c3 80-bf range to only make up one of the possible chars to try.

I have probably missed something painfully obvious here so please a few pointers would be nice...

Messages In This Thread
Cracking foreign words/characters - by NocFlame - 01-29-2019, 03:00 AM
RE: Cracking foreign words/characters - by royce - 01-29-2019, 03:09 AM
RE: Cracking foreign words/characters - by royce - 01-30-2019, 05:12 PM