Empty PMKID file generated by hcxpcaptool
I hope I'm not offtopic by asking a question about hcxpcaptool usage.

I'm collecting PMKID packets using bettercap, and according to the logs some data is written to the pcap file. Unfortunately when I try to convert them to a file usable with hashcat it won't write anything.

According to the summary there are PMKIDs, but then they're not written to output.

What can be wrong? Thanks

hcxpcaptool -z bettercap-wifi-handshakes.pmkid bettercap-wifi-handshakes.pcap

reading from bettercap-wifi-handshakes.pcap

summary capture file:
file name........................: bettercap-wifi-handshakes.pcap
file type........................: pcap 2.4
file hardware information........: unknown
capture device vendor information: 000000
file os information..............: unknown
file application information.....: unknown
network type.....................: DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO (127)
endianness.......................: little endian
read errors......................: flawless
minimum time stamp...............: 17.09.2019 17:56:11 (GMT)
maximum time stamp...............: 17.09.2019 17:58:56 (GMT)
packets inside...................: 7
skipped packets (damaged)........: 0
packets with GPS data............: 0
packets with FCS.................: 7
EAPOL packets (total)............: 7
EAPOL packets (WPA2).............: 7
PMKIDs (not zeroed - total)......: 2
PMKIDs (WPA2)....................: 7
PMKIDs from access points........: 2
best PMKIDs (total)..............: 2

summary output file(s):

Messages In This Thread
Empty PMKID file generated by hcxpcaptool - by maxxer - 09-19-2019, 08:05 AM