What is this hash type?
Hello, I just signed up to post this in case someone knows. I am not sure if discussing leaks is allowed.

I have been trying to search for these types of hashes, but I am having no luck anywhere. This is from the gonitro leak, which every site I have come across says that they are bcrypt hashes (some are), but it also contains some weird types that I have never seen before such as this one:
$2a$10$XXXXqi6XitX31Xk08XxCXaGlX_mXXRX (32 chars after $2a$10$ and some containing underscores and dashes)

There are some that are 41 chars also containing underscores and dashes:

Anyone have a clue as to what these hash types are?

Messages In This Thread
What is this hash type? - by CyberPentester - 06-22-2021, 03:54 AM
RE: What is this hash type? - by royce - 06-22-2021, 05:40 AM