Thanks a lot. I think now I understand it.
But I've still a problem with the hashcat syntax.
I made a hash on linux:
(Password: 1)
And now I tryed to crack this one.
Well I know, only the part after the third $ is the pw and this is the wrong syntax pritty sure, but I tryed some other configurations and no one worked.
Beside this there is no -m 1800 in the --help text
But I've still a problem with the hashcat syntax.
I made a hash on linux:
mkpasswd -m SHA-512 1
Quote:$6$OAvo4U/8$axO2kf4GzAWhSvq2l9r5nsFMQG0o61cCVu0RzjmoM3qAZ1kskvqCpnIXn.d7B04UbEoMwYQ1ehfTw5QWit1Px1It's allready salted.
And now I tryed to crack this one.
cudaHashcat-lite64 -m 1800 $6$suJH5ndsErwbV0Ar$7Sui4vS6wbpEqLi6OFF/NCdXVmYT/wh77F7iBQFsf4Dm5nOruMWo8P6BQH5UwZEP3O.hT1oO5txlHXuU.VcrR1
Well I know, only the part after the third $ is the pw and this is the wrong syntax pritty sure, but I tryed some other configurations and no one worked.
Beside this there is no -m 1800 in the --help text