Trying to understand what I'm doing. SHA1. sha1($pass.$salt)
So I've been trying to use JTR to crack a text file I've created that contains the follow:


Now reading the Wiki is states:
Quote:Due to its architecture, only XXX($pass.$salt) algorithms can be implemented. Algorithms using the opposite XXX($salt.$pass) can not be implemented.

Now I'm guessing the username is the "salt" so to be able to use oclHashcat-lite I need to reverse the text file?

This is JTR output: salted SHA-1 [128/128 SSE2 intrinsics 8x]

I'm really lost so I'm trying to put things together. Sorry if this is a stupid question.


Messages In This Thread
Trying to understand what I'm doing. SHA1. sha1($pass.$salt) - by beachtrip - 03-27-2013, 06:00 AM