Electrum support - aes_decrypt (sha256 (sha256 ($pass), $data)
Hello Chick3nman,

Thank you for confirming I'm an order of magnitude off with btcrecover, I don't know where that is from but I should be able to figure that out myself (yes, I have the crypto library installed and removing it gives me a 15x penality, even if I feel like I should try compiling the library with the AES instructions enabled if there is such an option, the systems I tried it on are pretty good, etc).

I think I should try to keep this thread about hashcat. I don't think I should have any problem opening a github issue asking for a new algoritm and I have no rush (I'm pretty busy and this is very low priority for me at the moment). Maybe I should just make a donation to the project if/when it gets implemented? I just see no way of doing that.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Anyone interested in being paid to add support for Electrum wallet? - by uaioaqo - 06-27-2017, 03:40 AM