Struggling with syntax for brute force mask
Hello, first time attempting something like this 

Am currently locked out of an MS Office 2010 document that is encrypted with a password 

I managed to install The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) Linux and use a Python script to get the hash from the document. ($office$*2010*100000*128*16) hash mode 9500. 

I ran hashcat using hash mode 9500 and a dictionary attack using rockyou.txt word list. 

Unfortunately this did not find the password, so I tried to do brute force instead. But the password is likely to be quite long. We think 9 or 10 characters. this will take weeks with my hardware, so I would like to use a mask to reduce the running time. 

What we know:
The password is likely to contain one or two of these 3 words/numbers: review, contract, 2018
The order/position of the word(s)/numbers is unknown
The casing of the words is unknown
It is unlikely that there will be any special characters outside alphabet letters and numbers 2018

I have been reading the documentation on masks but haven't been able to write one in a way that catches everything in my criteria. Is anyone able to help? Many thanks in advance

Messages In This Thread
Struggling with syntax for brute force mask - by marshedpotato - 03-22-2022, 07:05 PM