Not sure what cracking option i should use -_-
ok so it is using:

1)qwert12345 plus shifts
1a)does not have to use all chars
1b)cannot use char more than once
2)in fixed order
3)with/out spaces before and after and in between chars
3a) with what was it 3-9 spaces in all? (i forgot what we said lol)
4)no double spaces.
5)10-19 chars

Can you set it where it has to start with a Q? excluding that it can beginning with or without a space. That should greatly reduce the numbers right?

Is that everything you did and we have talked about if i understand you correctly?

So all those rules allow passwords like this right?

"q WE r !@ 3 $%"
"q W E r ! @ 3 $ %"
"q W e R 1 @ 3 $ 5 "

From the original dict you sent it seemed to follow that.

I assume your math is many variables i have no idea how to calculate that Smile

I downloaded those dictionaries and i'll start trying them for kicks while i wait for your response. I hope i conveyed everything correctly to you. I also hope that maybe we missed something and the restated/added info can make a smaller list since i am currently stuck with TCBrute2 -_-

I really appreciate your help BTW!!!!

FYI TCBrute2 doesn't use all my CPU for some reason with 8 threads :/ my TDP chills at 30-35 and taskmanager and ThrottleStop report like 25% usage -_- Could go so much faster then 300-500 passwords a sec :/

I tried 16 threads and did nothing :/ Still same 300-500 passwords a second and same TDP

FYI also hope the ones i am currently trying to crack aren't upgraded containers...I think these were the first ones i used and never updated them with a new container. If i did i am boned for like 50 years rofl because i have no idea what keyfile i used or if i have it anymore hahaha.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Not sure what cracking option i should use -_- - by SomeGuy - 08-01-2014, 11:09 AM