08-04-2014, 10:36 AM
(08-01-2014, 02:29 PM)SomeGuy Wrote: If i have read enough and understand key files it makes using dictionary attacks useless correct? You can brute force it but you literally have to try ever single char possible? If i got it down it takes the lets say 15 char password and uses the keyfile to covert it from adbc2335gg to grbthn46$^g. It doesn't make the password smaller or bigger but changes the entire scheme???
A keyfile is like a random (i.e. binary) 64 byte password derived from a file (or a bunch of files). This 64 byte password is added to your normal password yielding the final password which truecrypt uses.
If you know the keyfile(s), than you can do a dictionary attack. The keyfile changes only the way how truecrypt converts your password into an encryption key.
As i already told you, you can send me the first 512 bytes of your container per pm and will test the dictionary for you.
But you will certainly learn a lot of useful things if you try yourself and figure out how linux works.