hcxtools - solution for capturing wlan traffic and conversion to hashcat formats
For the BFP, I wanted to filter out all of the client devices and access points in my own network. Do I just need to find the mac addys for each client, and then add them with "wlan host" and then add the AP's with "wlan ta" ?

As an example...
a phone, and a laptop have mac addys 00:00:00:00:00:11 and 00:00:00:00:00:22
Two access points have mac addys 00:00:00:00:33:00 and 00:00:00:00:44:00

Should my BFP just be a text file 'bpf.txt' with one line like this?
!(wlan host 00:00:00:00:00:11 || wlan host 00:00:00:00:00:22 || wlan ta 00:00:00:00:33:00 || wlan ta 00:00:00:00:44:00)

Then use the filter by adding the -F switch?
wlandump-ng -F bfp.txt -(otherargs)


Messages In This Thread
RE: hcxtools - solution for capturing wlan traffic and conversion to hashcat formats - by MrShannon - 11-11-2017, 04:08 AM
wlandump-ng vs hcxdumptool - by hulley - 02-10-2018, 10:26 PM