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Most popular forum: hashcat (18,734 posts, 3,957 threads)

Most Popular…
Most Replied To Threads Most Viewed Threads
hcxtools - solution for capturing wlan traffic and conversion to hashcat formats (767 replies)
Hashtopus - distributed solution (289 replies)
Keyspace List for WPA on Default Routers (212 replies)
New attack on WPA/WPA2 using PMKID (187 replies)
Limiting the consecutive occurrence (125 replies)
Plugins 2500/2501 and 16800/16801 are deprecated (106 replies)
hashcat.launcher is available! (an alternative to hashcatGUI) (95 replies)
NVidia RTX 2080 (93 replies)
Review - AMD Radeon R9 290X (75 replies)
SL3, they did it again (71 replies)
[oclhashcat+] wpa/wpa2 (60 replies)
v62 is up (58 replies)
hcxdumptool - missing frames w/ filtering (54 replies)
hashcat v6.2.0 (52 replies)
5268ac routers (52 replies)
hcxtools - solution for capturing wlan traffic and conversion to hashcat formats (2,128,293 views)
New attack on WPA/WPA2 using PMKID (1,998,437 views)
Hashtopus - distributed solution (1,043,462 views)
Word List Downloads (1,003,943 views)
Keyspace List for WPA on Default Routers (804,157 views)
Agilebits 1Password support and Design Flaw? (479,076 views)
Limiting the consecutive occurrence (467,611 views)
Review - AMD Radeon R9 290X (343,704 views)
SL3, they did it again (329,724 views)
Breaking Samsung Android Passwords/PIN (317,908 views)
New hccapx format explained (310,719 views)
oclHashcat-plus v0.15 (296,228 views)
oclHashcat running on the new AMD hd7970 (255,897 views)
NVidia RTX 2080 (254,032 views)
Share your OpenCLHashcat speeds. (244,297 views)