Hashcat with bitcoin2john.py - How many characters ?a?a..?
Hello everybody,

Initially I asked a different thing in this topic but I solved it by just redoing the whole process, as I think my bitcoin2john.py file was empty at first.

Now my question is, when I enter the prompt like

hashcat64.exe -a 3 -m 11300 wallethash.txt ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a

The "?a" is one character, right? How many characters should I chose, if I cannot remember how many characters I used for the passphrase?

I would appreciate any support! Thx!
?a means all possible "standard chars" a-zA-Z0-9 and special chars like *# (see help)

well you can choose i think up to 12 times ?a before you ran into a buffer overflow, if you dont remember anything choose option --increment to tell hashcat to start at postition one with this mask and try upwards one, two three and so on positions ?a -> ?a?a -> ?a?a?a ...