Best Hardware for bcrypt
I am looking to rent hardware for a little hash encryption.
I have a bunch of bcrypt hashes (around 500) with workfactor 10 and mostly 12.
Atm. i am using wordlists and "oneruletorulethemstill".

Until now i used my own hardware but for educational purpose and because i am interested in the efficiency of new hardware i am thinking about renting hardware from (or similiar)

So what is the best hardware (i expect a gpu) to use for bcrypt hashing?

So far i was looking up some benchmarks for:
  • H100 pcie: 251kH
  • A100 pcie: 130kH
  • V100: 52kH
  • RTX 5090: 250 - 300 kH/s
  • RTX 4090: 184kH
  • RTX 3090ti: 103 kH
  • 6000ada: 23kH
  • L40S: 178kH
But i realized that these benchmarks are not always the real situation cause of lack in memory of the gpu and decreasing hashSpeed after a few seconds/minutes in bcrypt hashing.

Thanks for your recommendations and kind regards
The benchmark uses workfactor 5. Going from workfactor 5 (32) to workfactor 10 (1024) is a 32 times increase (32*32=1024). Meaning that cracking will be about 32 times slower. Workfactor 12 (4096) is again four times slower.

So you will need to divide all your benchmarks to get real cracking speeds. See post about someone getting only 1kH on the RTX 5090.

After this you will need to think how large your search space is going to be. If you want to crack passwords of a length of 6 (uppercase, lowercase, numbers and no special characters) a RTX 5090 for the workfactor 10 hashes is going to take 1800 years.
Hey Daniel
Thanks for your explanation.
I know that the benchmarks I mentioned are for workfactor5 and that 10 or even 12 will be much slower.
The minimum password length is 8 characters and i know that bruteforce is not realistic.

Luckily i dont want to get one cleartext from one hash.
I am rather looking how many cleartexts i can "guess" using wordlists.
And i think i got a good wordlist from hashmob.

But now i wanted to ask the hashcat community which hardware would be best to use for my purpose.
i already tried my own hardware and realised it is very slow.
So i want to know what hardware would be better/best and how far is this hardware pushing the speed in my specific case.

Thanks for further answers
Noone else has recommendations about good hardware for bcryp?
Which gpu has more or faster caches, rather many gpus or one powerful gpu?