I have finished the first version of my WordAtIndex generator
I happy about suggestions and constructive comments
Word At Index 0.0.2
Returns the word of a mask given its index.
Purpose: split a mask for eg distributed computing [brute force]
pc1 -> mask[0-100000000]
pc2 -> mask[100000001-200000000]
Usage: bash wai.sh -i index -m mask [customCharSet]
bash wai.sh -i1000000 -m?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d
will output
surrounding '' are needed to make sure the space char wont be forgotten
* Info:
-p, to display the full output additional to the word at index -i
-v, Display version number
-h, Display this help menu
* generation:
-i, Index for Word; fist word at index 1
-m, Specify mask via Built-in charsets
bash wai.sh -i 13 -m ?d?d
* Custom charsets:
-1, -2, -3, -4, Specify custom charsets via Built-in charsets
bash wai.sh -i 13 -m ?1?d?1 -1 ?dabcDE
IMPORTANT -1 ?d?l NOT EQUAL -1 ?l?d
* Built-in charsets:
?l = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
?d = '0123456789'
?s = ' !\"#\$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_\`{|}~'
without surrounding ''
changelog 0.0.2 - added -p option
WAI will now only return the word at index -i inside single quotes ''
instead of the bulky output information which can be added via -p
this will hopefully enable easy pipelining