I just wanna ask a simple question, is Hashcat GUI not available now?
The last version I downloaded was Hashcat GUI 0.5.1, but it says on the web, that the version has been outdated. I also could not use my Hashcat GUI 0.5.1 (downloaded a year ago), and it said that the hashcat, oclHashcat-Lite, and oclHashcat Plus are all outdated.
If there's a new Hashcat GUI version, please show me the download link.
And, could you please make a little article or post to show the installation step by step and how to use the hashcat and the all things. I know there's a documentation file, but it really doesn't explain the very first step on how to use it. For example, a year ago when I was first using hashcat, I completely didnt know anything on how to use it with GUI-based, except just run the application through command line and with thousands of command variable/parameters. I figured myself and it worked after several days trying.
I believe Hashcat is a great tool for password cracking. But you might be want to update or re-design the web homepage content, so that it will give more clear information about Hashcat. For example, perhaps you can put all the hashcat tool and version (along with its explanation) on one page (on homepage). So that there will be no many menus "hashcat", "hashcat plus", etc .. please it really confusing.
Thank you.
I just wanna ask a simple question, is Hashcat GUI not available now?
The last version I downloaded was Hashcat GUI 0.5.1, but it says on the web, that the version has been outdated. I also could not use my Hashcat GUI 0.5.1 (downloaded a year ago), and it said that the hashcat, oclHashcat-Lite, and oclHashcat Plus are all outdated.
If there's a new Hashcat GUI version, please show me the download link.
And, could you please make a little article or post to show the installation step by step and how to use the hashcat and the all things. I know there's a documentation file, but it really doesn't explain the very first step on how to use it. For example, a year ago when I was first using hashcat, I completely didnt know anything on how to use it with GUI-based, except just run the application through command line and with thousands of command variable/parameters. I figured myself and it worked after several days trying.
I believe Hashcat is a great tool for password cracking. But you might be want to update or re-design the web homepage content, so that it will give more clear information about Hashcat. For example, perhaps you can put all the hashcat tool and version (along with its explanation) on one page (on homepage). So that there will be no many menus "hashcat", "hashcat plus", etc .. please it really confusing.

Thank you.