What is my failure in cli?

i wish to recover a Password of my truecrypt Containerfile and found hashcat with which i will do that. I read the wiki and tryed to start. But i have the Problem that i everytime get the hint
Usage: oclHashcat [options]... hash|hashfile|hccapfile [dictionary|mask|director

Try --help for more help.

oclhashcat64.exe --attack-mode=3 --hash-type=62XY Container.txt --custom-charset1=/charsets/Char1.hcchr --custom-charset2=/charsets/Char2.hcchr --custom-charset3=/charsets/Char3.hcchr ?1imalu?d?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3 passwort.txt

This is what i type. Also i have changed the postions of the options with no other hint.
Container.txt is the Truecrypt-Container
Char1 - 3 hcchr contains the Characters wo can be in the Password
?1imalu?d?2?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3?3 is the mask

Who is the failure in this line or have i an error in reasoning?


hashcat only accepts two arguments, and you're specifying three arguments: container.txt, the mask, and passwort.txt. i'm assuming passwort.txt is the one you want to get rid of.
(03-20-2014, 10:50 PM)epixoip Wrote: hashcat only accepts two arguments, and you're specifying three arguments: container.txt, the mask, and passwort.txt. i'm assuming passwort.txt is the one you want to get rid of.
passwort.txt is the file in which the recovered Password should be written.
Use to "-o" switch for the output file then.
--hash-type=62XY is wrong