What's wrong?
Hello, I just installed hashcat I tried to start it, made everything what tutorial said, but the problem is, that it puts no information back to "cracked" folder after it runs. What could be wrong?

Also sorry, I know, I am noob at this, so don't judge me, but I really need your help Smile
hashcat won't write to a directory named "cracked" unless you are explicitly telling it to. Maybe you can post your command line so we can see what you are doing.
(03-13-2016, 03:02 AM)epixoip Wrote: hashcat won't write to a directory named "cracked" unless you are explicitly telling it to. Maybe you can post your command line so we can see what you are doing.

hashcat-cli64 -m 0 -a 0 -o C:\Users\vytut\Desktop\hashcat-2.00\cracked.txt hash.txt wordlists

I tried it with another hash and it worked, maybe it's something wrong with hash i want to use? I tried it with all hash types from here http://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=hashcat but it still didn't worked. Btw I asked to crack this hash in another forum and people managed to do that, but can't lol
You do realize your wordlists have to actually contain the correct password, right? So if your wordlist does not have the word 'hashcat' in it, then no you won't crack any of the example hashes.