now DES is supported but i still have problems to figure out it
input file looks:
and from log:
now, when i do like this:
with ?b?b?b?b?b?b?b?b then in log i have:
it always give's me default charset
how to do it correct ??
and why when i change hash type from 14000 to 14100 i have "Invalid mask" ?? it's only key len diferent
what i do wrong ??

i read all wiki, faq's, post's etc etc, and i'm still confused
now DES is supported but i still have problems to figure out it
hashcat64.exe -m 14000 "C:\test3des.txt" -w 3 -a 3 -o "C:\test3desresult.txt"
input file looks:
and from log:
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Running
Hash.Type........: DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)
Hash.Target......: 47dc9810ade39295:a04ab36b33e34ff2
Time.Started.....: Fri Feb 03 20:16:07 2017 (8 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Fri Feb 03 22:26:51 2017 (2 hours, 10 mins)
Input.Mask.......: ?1?2?2?2?2?2?2?3 [8]
Input.Charset....: -1 ?l?d?u, -2 ?l?d, -3 ?l?d*!$@_, -4 Undefined
Input.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.Dev.#2.....: 235.1 MH/s (56.64ms)
Speed.Dev.#3.....: 235.1 MH/s (57.06ms)
Speed.Dev.#4.....: 235.1 MH/s (57.36ms)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 705.4 MH/s
Recovered........: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.........: 5261426688/5533380698112 (0.10%)
Rejected.........: 0/5261426688 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 14336/68864256 (0.02%)
Candidates.#2....: j5rghzan -> T1tw1669
Candidates.#3....: j5rzldon -> T1tnsy23
Candidates.#4....: j5rt1ban -> T1t2s801
HWMon.Dev.#2.....: Temp: 37c Fan: 33%
HWMon.Dev.#3.....: Temp: 46c Fan: 33%
HWMon.Dev.#4.....: Temp: 40c Fan: 33%
INFO: approaching final keyspace, workload adjusted
Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Exhausted
Hash.Type........: DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)
Hash.Target......: 47dc9810ade39295:a04ab36b33e34ff2
Time.Started.....: Fri Feb 03 20:16:07 2017 (2 hours, 11 mins)
Time.Estimated...: Fri Feb 03 22:27:45 2017 (0 secs)
Input.Mask.......: ?1?2?2?2?2?2?2?3 [8]
Input.Charset....: -1 ?l?d?u, -2 ?l?d, -3 ?l?d*!$@_, -4 Undefined
Input.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.Dev.#2.....: 213.1 MH/s (51.82ms)
Speed.Dev.#3.....: 213.1 MH/s (52.14ms)
Speed.Dev.#4.....: 213.5 MH/s (52.19ms)
Speed.Dev.#*.....: 639.8 MH/s
Recovered........: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.........: 5533380698112/5533380698112 (100.00%)
Rejected.........: 0/5533380698112 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 68839510/68864256 (99.96%)
Candidates.#2....: n4qzblq$ -> Xvq6x7q$
Candidates.#3....: n4q8u2q$ -> Xvq2dtq$
Candidates.#4....: n4qd2jx$ -> Xvqqzqg*
HWMon.Dev.#2.....: Temp: 66c Fan: 33%
HWMon.Dev.#3.....: Temp: 72c Fan: 79%
HWMon.Dev.#4.....: Temp: 74c Fan: 61%
Started: Fri Feb 03 20:16:00 2017
Stopped: Fri Feb 03 22:27:46 2017
now, when i do like this:
hashcat64.exe -m 14000 "C:\test3des.txt" -w 3 -a 3 -1 ?b?b?b?b?b?b?b?b -o "C:\test3desresult.txt"
with ?b?b?b?b?b?b?b?b then in log i have:
Input.Mask.......: ?1?2?2?2?2?2?2?3 [8]
Input.Charset....: -1 ?l?d?u, -2 ?l?d, -3 ?l?d*!$@_, -4 Undefined
it always give's me default charset
how to do it correct ??
and why when i change hash type from 14000 to 14100 i have "Invalid mask" ?? it's only key len diferent
what i do wrong ??

i read all wiki, faq's, post's etc etc, and i'm still confused