Hi everyone 
I'll try to be the most precise I can about my problem.
My problem is certainly very common I guess, but I'm still stuck
I've recently created an encrypted Veracrypt container with a password that I've (obviously) forgotten.
As far as I know myself, I've probably (with a certitude >90%) used these settings :
- Encryption algorithm : serpent(twofish(AES)) or AES(twofish(serpent))
- Hash : SHA-512 or SHA-256 (surely not whirlpool because I know its weakness)
- Password : I don't remember, but I've created a dictionary with Python so that I'm sure one of these combinations is valid (actually I just don't remember the order in which I've put the words in my passphrase)
So my problem is "basic".
I'm running hashcat like so (on W7U) "hashcat64.exe -a 0 -m ?* "path to Veracrypt volume" "path to .dict" "
But it didn't work.
*For the -m I've used once each of 13713, 13723, 13733, 13753. If I did it wrong, that wouldn't surprise me
As I'm absolutely sure that one of the 6400 combinations created with my Python script is valid, I thought that there was a problem in my way of "trying to crack the hash".
So I've created a new container with one password from the .dict that I'd created.
And I've done the same process as above.
And that didn't work.
So now I know that I'm making a mistake in my way of manipulating hashcat.
Does someone have any idea about how I could find either the right -m either solve my problem ?
I'd be really thankful if I can get the answer because I've some data inside that aren't anywhere else
PS: One more precision.
I've tried each -m listed above with the official hashcat examples from here https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=example_hashes
I've used the -a 0 mode and a .dict where "hashcat" was stored.
And that worked perfectly.
So I'm really lost now.
Thank you !

I'll try to be the most precise I can about my problem.
My problem is certainly very common I guess, but I'm still stuck

I've recently created an encrypted Veracrypt container with a password that I've (obviously) forgotten.
As far as I know myself, I've probably (with a certitude >90%) used these settings :
- Encryption algorithm : serpent(twofish(AES)) or AES(twofish(serpent))
- Hash : SHA-512 or SHA-256 (surely not whirlpool because I know its weakness)
- Password : I don't remember, but I've created a dictionary with Python so that I'm sure one of these combinations is valid (actually I just don't remember the order in which I've put the words in my passphrase)
So my problem is "basic".
I'm running hashcat like so (on W7U) "hashcat64.exe -a 0 -m ?* "path to Veracrypt volume" "path to .dict" "
But it didn't work.
*For the -m I've used once each of 13713, 13723, 13733, 13753. If I did it wrong, that wouldn't surprise me

As I'm absolutely sure that one of the 6400 combinations created with my Python script is valid, I thought that there was a problem in my way of "trying to crack the hash".
So I've created a new container with one password from the .dict that I'd created.
And I've done the same process as above.
And that didn't work.
So now I know that I'm making a mistake in my way of manipulating hashcat.
Does someone have any idea about how I could find either the right -m either solve my problem ?
I'd be really thankful if I can get the answer because I've some data inside that aren't anywhere else

PS: One more precision.
I've tried each -m listed above with the official hashcat examples from here https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=example_hashes
I've used the -a 0 mode and a .dict where "hashcat" was stored.
And that worked perfectly.
So I'm really lost now.
Thank you !