hi can some one give a link on how to use hashcat. can it hack wallets like this. https://privcy.io/index.html . I had forgoten my passphrase
my passhrase is only 10 digit with numbers and letter

super noob
hi can some one give a link on how to use hashcat. can it hack wallets like this. https://privcy.io/index.html . I had forgoten my passphrase
06-24-2018, 10:17 AM
If something is not explicitly implemented the answer is "no", unless proven otherwise.
06-26-2018, 12:22 AM
If you know the hash of your wallet.dat file, then you may reference it with hashcat's hash database [https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=example_hashes], with a mask attack if you are running random lettering and numbers. Otherwise, create a wordlist containing all the words that you can think would be your password (or if using common phrases, use a wordlist from Github), and hash it that way, as even Mask attacks can take a while. Looking at the src code, these wallets should be encoded the same as bitcoin core wallets are. Try running hash type: 11300 for your crack. Refer to [https://hashcat.net/forum/thread-6973.html] to help you extract your wallet.dat's hash to use for your crack.
---------------------------------------------------------- Mask Attack: hashcat -a 3 -m 11300 -i --increment-min=1 --increment-max=10 hash.txt [Mask char set] -o cracked.txt --outfile-format=2 Wordlist/Dictionary/Straight/pls choose one word for this attack: hashcat -a 1 -m 11300 hash.txt wordlist.txt -o cracked.txt --outfile-format=2 ---------------------------------------------------------- |
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