PDF 1.7 separator unmatched
Hey folks,
I got a PDF 1.7 file encrypted with a password I know. Tried to crack it with hashcat 6.2.6 on windows and also tried with hashcat 6.2.3 on Linux. Here's the deal:


Adobe Reader says this file is version 1.7 encrypted with RC4 (40bit) but according to hashcat example hashes, this should be PDF 1.1 - 1.3 which is odd... 
However hashcat nor john can't detect the hashtype. The hash has been generated using pdf2john utility.
I've tried all available to PDF hashcat modes and none of them worked.

I'd appreciate a nudge.
I think there is a bug in the hash parsing module, parameter P - Length is more than 6 characters
first: don't post complete hashes, mask them with some XXXX on the data part as this is against forum rules

i would assume that the used encryption and/or pdf is not supported or the output is malformed, dunno, but i remember something right now, see that part "4294967292", given the examples this should be "-1", i think there was an issue with signed and unsigned values or output from JtR, im not quite sure about if that was fixed later (Git-Version) but im pretty sure it isn't fixed in the download version, i would give this a shot and use -1 instead of this 4294967292
(10-14-2024, 02:38 PM)Nism0 Wrote: I got a PDF 1.7 file encrypted

PDF 1.7 can use encryption of older versions.
What hashcat algorithm did you use?
I've already saw this thread https://hashcat.net/forum/thread-11875-page-2.html and also this one which seems to be similar to mine: https://hashcat.net/forum/archive/index....12065.html
The latter suggest replacing the 4294967292 value with -1852 which didn't help in my case. I've also tried beta version of hashcat from https://hashcat.net/beta/ and it's still the same.

I used all available hashcat modes also in beta version. All gave separator unmatched error.
for this hash in hashcat - bug, use john the ripper
(10-15-2024, 12:24 PM)zamgold Wrote: for this hash in hashcat - bug, use john the ripper

As I wrote in first post, jtr also does not recognize this hash format -.-
Replace 4294967292 with -4 and use mode 10400.
(10-15-2024, 12:39 PM)lapsikmees Wrote: Replace 4294967292 with -4 and use mode 10400.

You nailed it! It worked. Thanks a lot man. Could you elaborate a bit on why it actually worked and what this issue is actually related to (pdf2john, hashcat bug)? I'd appreciate.

Edit: Hashcat recognizes the hash even if I replace 4294967292 with -1 but can't crack it (exhausts).
Signed value of 4294967292 is -4 .