08-27-2013, 04:27 AM
I'm use ATI4670+Driver Latest Version 13.4
test oclHashcat-plus v0.6/0.9/0.12 Work for me
and oclHashcat-plus v0.13/0.14/0.15 not work
Hashes: 1 total, 1 unique salts, 1 unique digests
Bitmaps: 8 bits, 256 entries, 0x000000ff mask, 1024 bytes
Rules: 1
Workload: 16 loops, 8 accel
Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger set to 90c
Watchdog: Temperature retain trigger set to 80c
Device #1: ATI RV730, 512MB, 750Mhz, 8MCU
Device #1: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m2500.ATI RV730_937.2_CAL 1.4.1734.kernel not found in cache! Building may take a while...
ERROR: clBuildProgram() -11
test oclHashcat-plus v0.6/0.9/0.12 Work for me
and oclHashcat-plus v0.13/0.14/0.15 not work