(08-15-2014, 09:29 AM)magere-hein Wrote: After more googling I have found the solution
You need to set the value
display_errors 0
in the php.ini file in your php folder
and the
display_errors = Off
in the php.ini file in the apache folder
Hope this will help someone in the future .
Now I can download an exe and run it without any problem.
What a stupid mistake of me .
In the mean while I got it working and could ad multiple PC's and with each one was asking for tasks. I added a task and loaded my hashes. It where domain cashed credentials so I choose 1100. It was loaded just fine.
The command that I use is: -a 3 --increment-min=7 -1 ?l?u?d #HL#
When I give the task to both my agents oclhashcat imediatly crashes.
I get the classic Windows error from oclhashcat64.exe has stopped working.
My hashtopus looks like:
In my hashtopus directory I have the hashcat folder with the hashlist and a tasks folder.
What I noticed is when I open the hashlists folder and open the file inside that is my hashlist that I imported but without the seperator.
The ":" was missing in the file.
In my server configuration the feeld seperator is set as ":" and I marked the checkbox that it where salted hashes with the seperator as ":"
Here you have an example of what I mean, This is the hashlist in the folder hashlist:
And this is with my imported hashes:
When I go to my agents tab both of them are showing a red flashing light:
Don't know what that means.
I've installed the latest catalist drivers for both of my cards and rebooted my systems.
Now I'm kind of stuck .
Ok here I am again...
I Tried wit another hash list only NTLM hashes and it didn't work either.
I comapred the 2 errors and what I noticed was this:
failed to get ADR target temperature Data
Immediatly after this error the tasks stops.
I looked it up and found this article.
But as i could not get an older version of hashcat and I don't want to uninstall my drivers because I also game with my PC I looked at enother way of getting around this error.
The option --gpu-temp-disable finally gets my hashtopus working . So after 3 days of trial and error and googling I got it working .
Mayby the error: failed to get ADR target temperature Data
is something for the developper?
Anywhay great programm curlyboi .
What are you hosting your Server on? If it's Linux what distro / version?
I was trying to use Ubuntu Server 14 but it's giving me issues so I switched to a windows server and that works great with "Windows" clients but linux clients get this error:
Hashtopus 0.8.8a
Debug mode on.
uname -n
Registering to server...Enter registration voucher: q5RycnSJ
HTTP error: Error getting response stream (Write: The authentication or decryption has failed.): SendFailure
Registering to server...Enter registration voucher: