I meant if i use this command :
the hash remove from hash.txt and save in cracked.txt like " e682d15ca334eecf75b1b013fbd521d0:fulham "
is there anyway i can put email pass in hash.txt and after getting decrypt it save in cracked.txt like " email : decrypt hash " ?
Just curious
if yes then how ? thank you
hashcat-cli64.exe -n 2 -m 0 --outfile=cracked.txt --remove hash.txt wordlists/
the hash remove from hash.txt and save in cracked.txt like " e682d15ca334eecf75b1b013fbd521d0:fulham "
is there anyway i can put email pass in hash.txt and after getting decrypt it save in cracked.txt like " email : decrypt hash " ?
Just curious