(06-04-2014, 02:13 PM)curlyboi Wrote: The exception should not happen. Please run the hashtopus.exe in a command prompt window so that the window doesn't close when the exception occurs. You can then send it here.
It's the same in a command prompt.
Quote:As for the error, you can clearly see ERROR: No hashes loaded.
This is a oclHashcat output and it's telling you that something is wrong with your hashlist
and that it couldn't find any hashes in it.
I uploaded a hash in hashtopus, why he can't find it?
Hashtopus 0.8.5
Logging in to server...OK.
Loading task...assigned to 1, hashlist 1 (continue)
Hashlist already exists.
Requesting chunk...received 1 (S: 0, L:1)
Cleaning zap directory...
Hashcat subprocess started at 14:37:38
Hashcat process error: ERROR: No hashes loaded
Hashcat subprocess finished at 14:37:38 (0s)
[ERR] Uploading 69 b...Waiting for unfinished HTTP connections...
Eccezione non gestita: System.Net.WebException: Errore del server remoto: (406)
Non accettabile.
in System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
in hashtopus.Program.uploadErrorsAsync()
in System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, C
ontextCallback callback, Object state)
in System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
RESOLVED, was a charset problem!