11-24-2017, 08:00 PM
(11-22-2017, 01:10 AM)fart-box Wrote:(11-22-2017, 12:25 AM)Ne++erTyp Wrote: The following are from Ebay and Craigslist ads. All were Pace model 5268:
Awesome, Ne++erTyp! Thank you! I'll process these and let you know if they helped.
Please remember that the model or brand of the router is irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether the password comes from a 589, 599, 595, 5268ac, or even a Frontier9680. All of the passwords from all of those models are derived from the same list. we just need to shorten that list to passwords that are relevant, so we can skip over what is useless.
Also, if you find a picture that isn't clear, please don't "guess" at what you see. Just discard it. It's important to know exactly what the password is in order to avoid messing up the results.
Ne++erTyp, if I had a prize to award, you just won it! Three of your passwords were already on my list, but the rest of them all fell neatly into place, shrinking the voids.
But one password in particular, 4tz9dwj7%2hd, landed just above another password I already had, shrinking the void to only four digits, and those digits are an exact multiple of the master seed!
As previously mentioned, that seed is far too small for us (or even ATT) to use, which means they skip a bunch of trash, hit the good stuff, then leave more trash at the end. So as I stated just before this edit, "we just need to shorten that list to passwords that are relevant" by finding the parts of the list ATT uses.
So keep sending those passwords!
I've been going against my own advice, I guess. I've been looking at keys for so long that I forgot to look at those passwords. Two of them are not valid because they contain the letter 'o' which is not in the character list. And the password I was so excited about yesterday is only different by one character. Ne++erTyp's password contained a '2' where the password I already had contained a 'z'. These two characters, as well as the 'o', are easy to misinterpret in a blurry photograph.
Here's my collection: