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hey beta-testers,
v56 fixed a very evil bug that lead to total unpredictable other bugs. please do all your testing again
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Tnx atom

in Barcelona atm but will be back in UK Friday so will do testing then.
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Since after
plus-0.09b45 up to
plus-0.09b57, when I try:
hc64p -a3 --bf-min=8 --markov-disable --force 00000000000000000000000000000000 ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a
I get:
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [b]ypass [q]uit => ERROR: cuMemcpyDtoD() 1
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Try with b58 pls, just uploaded
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b58 also fixed this for both amd and nvidia, pls verify:
Quote:- For -m 2711 vBulletin > v3.8.5, Nothing works
- For -m 2811 vBulletin > v3.8.5, Nothing works
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Just tried -m2(6|7)11 on
all lengths, all attack-modes. Result:
All Works!
Also "cuMemcpyDtoD() 1" is gone! Thanks
Windows7 64-bit, nVidia, 304,79 beta, plus-0.09b58.
Testing is way much easier than I thought. Going to hit other hash-types!
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08-30-2012, 06:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2012, 06:13 PM by mastercracker.)
System: Windows 7 64 bit, catalyst 12.8 HD5750, oclhashcat-plus beta 56
I did my usual test on all algos and all modes. I won't specify what is working since now it's almost everything. Also, all the crashes are fixed!
For -m 1710 sha512($pass.$salt), bruteforce of length 4 does not work. Everything else works.
For -m 2711 and -m 2811, the usual bug. Dictionary attack works but all other mode fails.
That's it. I will try to reproduce the -m 1710 bug again and report if I find something useful.
For the AMD side, v 0.09 is almost ready to go! I can't wait to test the Nvidia now (probably this evening).
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Finally, all tests are done!
Results: (If no note is given means all is working perfectly!)
-m130: Same problem as -m131, -m132.
-m500: All works EXCEPT it fails to crack any 1-character-long password on all attack modes (Only -a0 and -a3 can get that though).
-m1600: Same problem as -m500.
-m1710: Interestingly, None of -a1, -a6 and -a7 work, on all lengths.
-m2500: SKiPPiNG.
-m3000: Worked well, But this BUG ( still exists. Funny it's giving me different results this time, but still wrong results!
-m3100: I'm not sure about this algo, when I use -a3, all is being cracked but if len(pass) > 8 : its truncating the passes to 8. Other attacks don't do that, they act just like a regular MD5.
-m131: All good, except -a7 seems to have a problem.
-m132: Exact same problem of -m131. Only 1-character-long password is found when doing -a7, which should never happen with -a7 (it works with a mask!).
-m2811: MyBB1.2+ uses ?l?u?d_len(8) salt, please add an exception.
I'm keeping this one-damn-fine version =D
System: Windows7 64-bit, nVidia, 304,79 beta, plus-0.09b58.
Thanks to
atom's perl code and my MasterHasher.php.
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Thanks for the test results, very very very helpful. Indeed I focuses on amd mostly, but will not try to fix stuff on nvidia, too.
This bugfixing round was really neccessary
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