General Talk
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- edit session settings? (5 Replies)
- add more parimiters to ?u?u?u?u?u?u?u?u (1 Reply)
- MS office 2013 Hash algo in python (2 Replies)
- Anyone here made a service? (3 Replies)
- Restarting machine currently cracking PW (4 Replies)
- New SuperCalculator (5 Replies)
- Found passwords post-processing (2 Replies)
- Multi System GPU Setup (7 Replies)
- Uknown Encrypted Archive (4 Replies)
- New algorithm (2 Replies)
- cracking unicode plain text (1 Reply)
- Generating a SHA256 Hash from another Hash (11 Replies)
- Hashcat rules handling (native *.rule files) added to JtR (2 Replies)
- hashcat working in new Win10 Bash (2 Replies)
- sequential hash? reallly weird! (1 Reply)
- Decrypt this... five figure reward (1 Reply)
- Floating Mask. How to? (8 Replies)
- 20 GPU in one case chassis! (2 Replies)
- GPU RIG leasing - where? (3 Replies)
- Praetorian's d3adhob0.rule (2 Replies)