08-08-2018, 02:17 PM
(08-08-2018, 11:16 AM)atom Wrote: From what I've seen roaming one of the big new features in Fritz!OS7. Older versions Fritz!Box routers may not be vulnerable but new ones maybe. Since I do not have access to such a router I can't test myself.
However, my Speedport (w724v) from german Telekom is vulnerable. Works on first try.
Thanks for sharing ... so there is consumer grade HW as well, that behaves badly

However, my original statement is still valid: PMKID caching does not make sense in combination with WPA2 PERSONAL networks* (no functional benefit). The vendors should disable the announcement of PMKIDs in these SSID to mitigate this exploit (although the traditional "4-way handshake" capture exploit is still there).
(*) Except a small benefit when using 802.11r