Hey man, I totally get how stressful this must be. Losing access to a wallet, especially with that much money in it, is frustrating. I've done some digging, and here's what I found that might help you recover your Phantom Wallet:
1️⃣ First, Check If Phantom is Still Storing Your Wallet Locally
Phantom usually keeps your encrypted seed phrase in the browser extension files. Since you already found the .ldb file, let's try decrypting it.
You can try locating the wallet storage files manually:
On Windows, check:
C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\bfnaelmomeimhlpmgjnjophhpkkoljpa
(Replace YourUsername with your actual Windows username.)
On Mac, check:
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Local Extension Settings/bfnaelmomeimhlpmgjnjophhpkkoljpa
If you still have files in there, your wallet might still be recoverable without needing the seed phrase.
2️⃣ Decrypt Your Encrypted Seed Phrase
Since you already have the encrypted seed phrase, you need to decrypt it using your wallet password.
Unfortunately, Phantom doesn’t have an official decryption tool like MetaMask, but there is a way to do it manually.
Option A: Try Phantom’s Built-in Recovery (If Available)
Reinstall the Phantom extension from the official site.
Click "Restore Wallet".
Instead of entering a seed phrase, try entering your wallet password and see if it auto-restores.
Option B: Decrypt Using a Python Script
Since Phantom uses PBKDF2 encryption, you can try decrypting it yourself using this Python script:
import json
import base64
import hashlib
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF2
# Paste your encrypted data here
encrypted_data = {
"digest": "sha256",
"encrypted": "wFCwaUXv2nCNS1vBcuZiXnhS1hNK2e5ZerPTWz1Nst37x64WQBmMS1QWuetdp3X4P",
"iterations": 10000,
"kdf": "pbkdf2",
"nonce": "2AeSHJN3yAviUqmg3AGqRjdZEAjX7mAq4",
"salt": "q9FJnyK8eaQPEz7XsNgUT"
# Replace with your wallet password
wallet_password = "YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE"
# Decode nonce and salt
nonce = base64.b64decode(encrypted_data["nonce"])
salt = base64.b64decode(encrypted_data["salt"])
encrypted_seed = base64.b64decode(encrypted_data["encrypted"])
# Derive key using PBKDF2
key = PBKDF2(wallet_password, salt, dkLen=32, count=encrypted_data["iterations"], hmac_hash_module=hashlib.sha256)
# Decrypt using AES-GCM
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=nonce)
decrypted_seed = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_seed)
# Convert to UTF-8
seed_phrase = decrypted_seed.decode("utf-8")
print("Your decrypted seed phrase:", seed_phrase)
How to Use It:
1. Copy and paste this script into a Python environment (like VS Code or a Python terminal).
2. Replace YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE with your actual Phantom wallet password.
3. Run the script.
4. If successful, it will print your real seed phrase.
5. Enter this phrase into Phantom to recover your wallet.
3️⃣ Try Contacting Phantom Support
If all else fails, you can reach out to Phantom Support:
Make sure to explain the issue clearly. They won’t ask for your password or seed phrase, but they may help if your wallet is still stored locally.
🚨 Important Warnings
Never share your seed phrase with anyone, even if someone offers to "recover" it for you.
Only run decryption scripts on your own computer (not online).
Double-check the Phantom extension URL before reinstalling (only download from phantom.app).
Hope this helps! Let me know if you get stuck. Wishing you the best in recovering your wallet!